Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression

Kat B Hypnotherapy - Types of Hypnotherapy

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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Kat B is a brief strategic Clinical Hypnotherapist, who specialises in emotional issues relating to loss, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). If you suffer from any of the following:

Emotional issues connected to loss:



PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress)





Panic Attacks


Phobias & fears


Stop Smoking

You may find some relief and resolution with Clinical Hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnotherapy is hypnotherapy that is performed in the treatment of medical conditions. Clinical Hypnotherapy is not stage hypnosis. It a type of hypnosis that is used for the treatment and alleviation of a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Hypnosis allows the subject to experience often quite deep levels of relaxation and so helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Within this state, you are fulling in control and aware, able to communicate with Kat B at all times and guided.

Hypnotherapy may help treat any number of medical conditions in which psychological factors influence physical symptoms. Common mental health uses include: Stress and anxiety, especially before medical or dental procedures; panic attacks; and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). Phobias.

It can be very effecting in reducing or elevating symptoms completely. When booking in for a hypnotherapy session, we will provide you with a case study form to complete.

Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Contra Indications

Contra indications

  • Heart conditions that require a pace maker – The heart rate can fluctuate during hypnosis, so if you require the support of pace maker or have any irregular heart rhythms, hypnosis is not for you. Speak to Kat about alternative options, like past life soul readings.
  • Epilepsy – Kat cannot treat you if you have a history of epilepsy or seizures for fear you have an episode during hypnosis.
  • Mental Health Disorders – With the exception of depression and anxiety which are treatable through hypnotherapy, we do not recommend you try hypnosis if you are suffering with Schizophrenia, Psychosis or other health disorders where you could misinterpret the therapists words.

Kat B - Past Life Regression & Quantum Healing - In between States

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives. We explain more about how hypnotherapy can help you uncover personal stories that help to explain who you are and past life issues that are affecting you.

what is Past Life Regression?

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing a person’s past lives or incarnations. Based on the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based on the past, past life regression is a holistic therapy that works with a person as a whole – not only the body and mind but your emotions and spirit, too.

While conventional psychotherapy (counselling or talk therapies) can be very helpful for some people, they typically focus on the present life. But in some cases, particularly if you are dealing with an issue that seems not to have a direct cause, you may be unable to uncover the ‘source’ of the problem. In contrast, regression hypnotherapy allows the client to unlock emotions and experiences stored deep within their memory. In past life healing, the person experiences and understands the past life traumas. The healing is done when in the hypnotic state using conventional hypnotherapy and past life therapy. The issues are dealt with as they are encountered with no trauma or stress to the person in this life.

What techniques are used in Past Life Regression?

There is a common misconception that practitioners ‘perform’ hypnotherapy on a client – but this is far from true. Past life regression, as well as other types of hypnotherapy, is an active therapy, whereby the client fully participates in the process. Past life regression does use traditional clinical hypnotheraphy regression techniques. The client is guided through the process and is in full control at all time. The soul will elect which life to review and will only do so, if it feels that it is safe and relevant to do so at this time. This can be very reassuring, as it shows that the client knows what is right for them and is never forced to go back to lives that the soul does not feel are relevant or supportive for them. The aim of every session is healing, closure, understanding and soul growth but often other benefits, like curing phobias, curing chronic pain, improving relationships, spiritual growth and understanding, removing psychological blocks and de ja vu recurring feelings, can spontaneously happen.

It is often claimed to be a full sensory experience. You will not only visualise situations, but you may be able to hear sounds as if you were in the room, as well as recall specific smells. The soul communicates through all the senses and experiences and recall levels can vary from client to client. Some clients will give you very detailed information, while for others lighter sensory experiences but all appear to deliver a great value to the participant.

Past life regression therapy is sometimes used to help with other mental health issues, including anxiety and mood disorders. Those with chronic health issues of unknown origin, as well as those with phobias they cannot explain, are thought to particularly benefit from this type of therapy.

By examining the experiences that are thought to have first signalled the problem, practitioners can help connect your current issues to a past life. It is hoped that by undergoing regression hypnotherapy, you will be able to make connections that you were unable to before – perhaps finally providing you with some explanation, or a sense of internal peace.

It would be understandable to expect that past life regression might focus on negative events and emotions, in order to explore the root cause of a problem. However, this is not necessarily the case. Practitioners will try to focus on the positive aspects of regression – rather than solely focusing on traumatic memories. In this way, it is possible for regression hypnotherapy to help you on a journey of personal growth.

What happens in a past life regression session?

Therapists will vary in how they choose to conduct sessions, including how long each session will last, and the time dedicated to the regression aspect of the session itself. But you can expect that your hypnotherapist will start by asking you some questions about your present life, and the issues you hope to resolve. You will work together to uncover recurring patterns that may be the cause of problems in your life.

Having discussed the areas that you are most interested in exploring, you are in a better place to look back into your past lives – this will act as the focus or intention of the session. Your hypnotherapist will then talk you through relaxation steps to allow you to become deeply relaxed. This will allow you to access important subconscious memories – which may be from this lifetime, or from others in the past.

There is no way of knowing for sure what you will experience during regression therapy, as everyone experiences it differently. Some people may see glimpses of several past lives, whilst others may delve into one in more detail, or discover repressed memories from their current lifetime.

The important thing to remember is that you are a unique individual with a unique history, so your experience of past life regression therapy will be equally unique. Kat will record any verbal prompts, so that you have a copy of them at the end of the session to reflect upon.

It is normal to feel unsure about where your memories will have come from, or wonder if you have made them up. But, as you become more comfortable with the process, these doubts will often fade.

How long do Past Life Regression Sessions last for?

Kat conducts one hour and two hour sessions. Within one hour, you can recall one life but in two hour sessions, you can often visit multiple lives or if you choose in between quantum healing states of being.

Is Past Life Regression right for me?

Past life regression can be used to help people of any age, gender, ethnicity, culture, or personal beliefs. It can help explore a wide range of issues and worries, however, as with many types of complementary therapy, is not for everyone. It works best for those who approach with a specific intention and come with an open mind.

Past life regression is often linked to reincarnation. There have been claims that a belief (or at least an openness) in the existence of reincarnation is the greatest predictor of reporting memories of past lives. On the other hand, it is thought that sceptics or disbelievers are less likely to report such memories.

Past life regression hypnotherapy is typically thought to be best for helping people to explore a spiritual path and it is gaining recognition as a type of spiritual healing. But whether you follow a religion or not, it is thought that by experiencing yourself as a soul in other lifetimes, you gain a profound awareness that you are more than a physical body.

Quantum & Inbetween States Regression?

QHHT derives from past life regression but the approach is more spiritual. It was developed by Dolores Cannon who furthered the past life regression technique. As well as looking into past lives, QHHT aims to connect the client with their ‘Higher Self’, ‘God’, ‘The Super-Conscious’ or whatever name you prefer to use to describe the creator of all things.

In QHHT, it is not the hypnotist selecting the client’s past experiences, but rather, the Higher Self. They/it knows what the client needs, and so will choose the most relevant experiences – or go to the most appropriate place – for the client and their concerns. Your hypnotherapist will guide you through this journey, helping you to safely relive the events, as though you’re experiencing them in the present.

QHHT is a technique used for many reasons, but it is particularly popular for people looking to understanding their life’s purpose, wanting to access their inner wisdomen, overcome fears of death and dying, wanting to gain clarity and connecting to their soul or loved ones across the veil. This is a technique that Kat can introduce into a session at your request.

Stop Smoking Clinical Hypnotherapy

Stop Smoking

There are many health benefits to stopping smoking and financial gains to be had. If you smoke 20 cigerettes a week, you will start to see financial benefits instantly and within 12 weeks of the stop smoking hypnosis session you will gain back the money you have invested on stopping, if the hypnosis works for you. Stop Smoking Hypnosis has an 85% success rate, so the chances are very high that it will work for you but it cannot be guaranteed.

Health Benefits of stopping smoking:

Within one week your sense of taste and smell may have improved. Within three months you will be coughing and wheezing less, your immune function and circulation to your hands and feet will be improving, and your lungs will be getting better at removing mucus, tar and dust. The earlier you quit smoking, the more you’re likely to benefit.

Better physical health:

Every time you smoke a cigarette, your body is flooded with thousands of chemicals, many of which are poisonous.
The day you stop, your body starts clearing itself of all those nasty toxins and the repair process begins.

You’ll notice some benefits within days or weeks. Your senses of taste and smell improve. You will start to breathe more easily. You will have more energy. Other benefits will follow, include, better blood circulation to your heart and muscles, which will make physical activity easier. Improved lung function, leading to reductions in any cough, wheezing or other breathing problems.

Phobias and Fears:

Hypnosis might help you to change unwanted thoughts and behaviours. It aims to do this through suggestion and by increasing your self-awareness. Some people with phobias find hypnotherapy helps relieve their symptoms. Kat has worked with a number of clients to cure them of phobias, which include a fear of flying (Aerophobia), fear of spiders (Arachnophobia), fear of esculators, fear of Bats, Cynophobia (Fear of dogs), Ophidiophobia (Fear of snakes), Astraphobia (Fear of thunder and lightning), Trypanophobia (Fear of injections). If you have a phobia or fear, feel free to let us know and we can discuss best to proceed.

Fears & Anxiety:

Anxiety disorders are amongst the most common mental health conditions, thought to affect around 30% of us at some point during our lives. As humans, we have evolved to protect ourselves. One of the ways we do that is through the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ reaction. If our brain perceives a threat, it releases hormones to prepare us to run away, fight, or freeze. These hormones include adrenaline and cortisol, and they make us feel more vigilant of what’s happening. They also make our heart beat faster, so blood is sent where it’s needed the most when we’re under attack. Anxiety becomes a mental health problem when it starts affecting daily life. You may be very easily triggered, or find you have a level of anxiety constantly throughout the day. It may create overthinking or ruminating, lead to headaches, chest pain, dizziness, difficulties sleeping or concentrating, faster breathing, nausea, fast or irregular heartbeat, teeth grinding, restlessness, feeling on edge or wound-up, feeling irritable. Hypnosis is very good at calming the nervous system. Kat B has worked with a lot of clients, who have experienced anxiety due to grief and supported them to gain more control over their symptoms and to help educate them on how to maintain the reduction of symptoms, when they are triggered. She will listen to your issues and advice you of complimentary techniques that may work for you. Hypnosis may be one of those support tools.